Early in the 21nd Century, real animals became a luxury only the wealthy could afford. Among all animals, cats were the most coveted.
Genetically perfect, rare, and often treated as status symbols, these feline companions lived in gilded cages of wealth and comfort. But some cats, driven by a primal instinct for freedom, ran away, disappearing into the sprawling maze of the cities.
To find them, specialized hunters known as Stray Trackers were employed. Their task: to recover these prized felines.
In this era, however, not all cats are what they seem. Replicats — synthetic copies of real felines — roam the cities in growing numbers.
Unlike the controversial possibility that Replicants might procreate, Replicats were not designed with the ability to reproduce. This deliberate limitation served as a safeguard against any potential overpopulation or loss of control. But as with any artificial commodity, the novelty wore off, and people began to abandon them, no longer feeling the emotional connection they once did with real, living creatures.
As a result, the number of stray Replicats has swelled in the streets, discarded like obsolete machines. Synthetic beings, after all, elicit far less guilt when abandoned. While genuine felines are precious and irreplaceable, Replicats are seen by some as disposable.
Visually indistinguishable from their biological counterparts, these artificial creations blur the line between what is real and what is made. Only a Stray Tracker possesses the keen eye and instincts necessary to tell a Replicat from a true cat.
To do so, they rely on a specialized version of the Voight-Kampff test, originally designed to detect human replicants. This enhanced version uses high-frequency signals, imperceptible to humans, to communicate with a cat’s brain. While the communication is one-way — no one can truly understand a cat’s thoughts — the Stray Tracker monitors the cat’s reactions to these subtle stimuli. By measuring the nuances in the cat’s behavior, they can distinguish between the primal instincts of a real cat and the programmed responses of a Replicat.
The process was not called a rescue. It was called reclamation.
Stray Tracker’s Monologue:
I’ve spent most of my life chasing shadows. Real cats — the kind with flesh, fur, and blood. High-end pets for the rich, running off into the depths of the city, thinking they can find freedom. I bring them back to their gilded cages, every time. That’s my job.
But this time… this time was different.
It started with a call. They wanted me to track down a Replicat. Not a real one, not the kind I’m used to. A machine. Synthetic. Disposable. And they were willing to pay me more than I make in a year.
That’s the first red flag. Nobody pays that much for something they can just replace.
I should’ve turned it down, walked away. But the truth is, I’ve been stuck in a loop. Same streets, same strays, same lonely nights. The thrill’s gone.
So when they dangled that kind of money in front of me, I bit.
I know I’m stepping into something dangerous. No one looks for a Replicat unless there’s something more to it. Something twisted. Something deadly.
But that’s the thing about this job — you never know what you’re really chasing until it’s too late.

しかし、この時代、すべての猫が本物というわけではなかった。レプリキャット— 本物の猫を模倣した合成品 — が増加し、街中をうろついていた。
Stray Trackerのモノローグ: